تحليل الجدول الزمني بطريقة Time Impact Analysis هو طريقة تستخدم لتحديد مدى التأثر من التأخير المحتمل في عملية البناء. وتنطوي طريقة تحليل الجدول الزمني هذه على إدراج أنشطة إضافية تشير إلى حالات تأخير أو تغييرات في جدول زمني محدّث يمثل التقدم المحرز حتى تأريخ حدوث حدث التأخير لتحديد أثر أنشطة التأخير هذه على زمن المشروع.
A Schedule Time Impact Analysis is a method used to determine the extent of impact from potential delay in the construction process. This schedule analysis method involves inserting additional activities indicating delays or changes into an updated schedule representing progress up to the point when a delay event occurred to determine the
impact of those delay activities.
أنواع التأخيرات في الجداول الزمنية
ويمكن تصنيف التأخيرات إلى مجالين رئيسيين:
التأخير عذر
تأخيرات غير عذر
وتحدث التأخيرات المستعصية عندما يسمح للطرف المتضرر بالمطالبة بتمديد الوقت أو التعويض أو كليهما. وفي الوقت نفسه، فإن التأخيرات غير المعقولة هي تأخيرات يتعين على المقاول أو الطرف المتضرر تحملها.
النظر في مشروع بسيط "As Planned Schedule "، موضح أدناه
:Delays can be categorized into two main areas
- Excusable Delays *
- Non-Excusable Delays *
Excusable delays occur when the affected party is allowed to claim for a time extension, compensation or both. Meanwhile, non-excusable delays are delays that the contractor or the affected party needs to bear the responsibility.
Consider a simple project with the “As Planned Schedule”, illustrated below:
First-month update:
There is 21 days delay on Excavation due to an unforeseen site condition.
Second-month update:
There is no delay.
Third-month update:
There are 2concurrent delays:
- Owner changed the house design (14 days)
- Subcontractor left job (21 days)
Therefore, 14 days are charged to the owner and 7 days are charged to the contractor.
Fifth-month update:
The owner caused a 28-day delay in “Garage Doors”.
This delay only affects 7 days in the critical path. The rest of 21 days delay were absorbed by the available float. Therefore, there will be only 7 days of “excusable compensable delay.”
Last month update:
There is no delay this month.
The overall Schedule Time Impact Analysis report is outlined below:
Considering the types of delays experienced throughout the project, there is:
- 28 days excusable and compensable delay (for time and cost)
- 14 days time excusable but non-compensable
- 7 days non-excusable time and non-compensable
I hope this tutorial provided clear instructions on how to perform Schedule Time Impact Analysis in Primavera.
If you have any question, please post them down below. I will make sure that I will go through as many questions as I can and assist you in answering your questions.
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